Brushstroke for Murder

"Brushstroke for Murder: Chief Jacques LaRoche and artist Drew Knight team up to solve a baffling art heist turned homicide. As they unravel clues hidden in masterpieces, they confront danger and deception, racing against time to catch a cunning killer before the final stroke of death is painted."

Death in the Shadows

In the gripping espionage drama, agents Dick, Jane, and Ursula find themselves entangled in a web of conspiracy. As they confront the challenges of uncovering the truth, the agents navigate a world of deception, danger, and moral complexity. The story weaves a tale of espionage, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of justice, leaving characters and readers alike grappling with the consequences of their choices in a shadowy world of secrets and intrigue.

Mystery of the Missing Manneken Pis

Peter turned toward the source of the shot, his mind racing to assess the threat, but what he saw next left him in shock. Sandra was on the ground, her body sprawled across the wet pavement. A sense of dread washed over him, and he rushed to Sandra's side, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and disbelief. The sound of the gunshot still echoed in his ears, but all he could focus on was the woman he loved, lying wounded before him.

Peter Carter and the Seekers: The Road to Shangri-La

Their pace, once steady, slowed to a crawl. Each step became a laborious effort as they trudged forward against the wind and the driving rain. Under the overhang of the ledge, the Seekers huddled together, their bodies shivering from the cold and their faces wind-whipped and rain- As the night deepened, the tempest that raged overhead exhibited a relentless cruelty, its ferocity escalating with every passing moment. The Seekers, left without their seasoned guides in the merciless fury of the Himalayan storm, clung tenaciously to the fragile refuge of a jagged rocky ledge.

Amid the relentless howling of the wind, Peter's heightened senses detected an unusual sound, a rhythmic, crunching noise that grated on the edges of his consciousness. He strained his eyes in the pitch-black darkness, desperate for any sign of life.


Dieppe's Revenge

The Battle of Dieppe was a costly operation for the Allies. Of the approximately 6,000 men who took part in the raid, over 3,600 were killed, wounded, or captured. The Canadians, in particular, suffered heavy casualties, with many taken prisoner.

Despite the high cost of lives and equipment, the Dieppe raid provided valuable lessons for the Allies. They realized the importance of better planning, coordination, and intelligence gathering for future amphibious operations. These lessons were applied in planning the successful D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944.

There are so many sad stories during World War 2, and this, my friend, is only one of them.

Peter Carter and the Seekers: The Lost City of Atlantis

As they set their plan into motion, the Seekers knew that the outcome of this battle would shape the fate of Atlantis. The ancient phalanx, steadfast in their defense, needed their help. The clash of ancient and modern, of myth and reality, unfolded in the shadow of the lost city, and the Seekers were determined to ensure that the legacy of Atlantis endured.

Wisam, his heart filled with determination, nodded vigorously in agreement. There was no time to waste. Together with the Theo brothers, they rushed to a strategic position that provided cover while allowing them to fire upon the invaders. The brothers threw a few of the explosives at the Sperdakas men. The noise of the explosives sent the men into a frenzy of terror.

Peter Carter y los buscadores: La ciudad perdida de la Atlantida

Cuando pusieron su plan en marcha, los Buscadores sabían que el resultado de esta batalla moldearía el destino de la Atlántida. La antigua falange, firme en su defensa, necesitaba su ayuda. El choque entre lo antiguo y lo moderno, entre el mito y la realidad, se desarrolló a la sombra de la ciudad perdida, y los Buscadores estaban decididos a garantizar que el legado de la Atlántida perdurara.
Wisam, con el corazón lleno de determinación, asintió vigorosamente con la cabeza. No había tiempo que perder. Junto con los hermanos Theo, se apresuraron a una posición estratégica que les proporcionaba cobertura y les permitía disparar contra los invasores. Los hermanos arrojaron algunos de los explosivos a los hombres de Sperdakas. El ruido de los explosivos provocó un frenesí de terror en los hombres.

Peter Carter and the Seekers: Alexander the Great's Treasures

Peter Carter and the Seekers:  Alexander the Great's Treasures

Peter and Zainab slowly stood up, desperately trying to catch their breath. He took out the small flashlight that he had hooked on his utility belt and shone it around where he saw torches on the wall everywhere. Peter took out his lighter, took down a torch, and tried to light it. After a few attempts, the torch ignited into a large flame. The entire room lit up. Zainab scurried to get a torch for herself as Peter approached the wall. It was covered with hieroglyphics.

The cavern's vastness and the mystery it held fascinated them, igniting their curiosity to uncover more.

"We can't forget why we are here. We must find that bastard and kill him and everyone with him."

Zainab nodded in agreement.

Peter Carter y los buscadores Los tesoros de Alejandro Mango

Peter y Zainab se levantaron lentamente, tratando desesperadamente de recuperar el aliento. Sacó la pequeña linterna que había enganchado a su cinturón de herramientas y la iluminó donde vio antorchas en la pared por todas partes. Peter sacó su encendedor, cogió una antorcha y trató de encenderla. Después de algunos intentos, la antorcha se encendió y formó una gran llama. Toda la habitación se iluminó. Zainab se apresuró a buscar una antorcha mientras Peter se acercaba a la pared. Estaba cubierto de jeroglíficos.

La inmensidad de la caverna y el misterio que encierra los fascinaron, encendiendo su curiosidad por descubrir más.

"No podemos olvidar por qué estamos aquí. Debemos encontrar a ese bastardo y matarlo a él y a todos los que están con él".

Zainab asintió con la cabeza.

Time Eclipse

a figure bearing an unmistakable resemblance to Pierre himself. He was astonished and bewildered by what he saw. Suddenly, the book emitted an otherworldly luminescence, casting an eerie glow upon the room. Overwhelmed by fear, Katherine retreated from the scene, her voice piercing the air with a desperate cry for help.

They look up to their master through black dead eyes.
The followers do not know the name of the lord of this underworld, but only to God almighty, who expelled him for his treachery. Who was once an Angel and who was sent away from a place of prominence? The Angel that sat on the right side of God. Lucifer, which once meant bearer of light, was later renamed Satan by all that feared and loathed him. Lucifer’s never-ending search for revenge for his expulsion from heaven might have finally presented itself for the first time immortal as he beckons one of his most obedient followers.



White Noise Conspiracy

The big red flaming V lit up the computer screen, with the writing “HADES IS BACK, GET READY FOR HELL” written beneath the big red V.
He sat back in his chair while looking at the screen and was very proud of himself as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the side pocket of his backpack. With a lite cigarette in his mouth, he sat there contemplating exactly what or who he was to transmit a virus to next. Would it be the FBI, DOJ, or even the White House?
So much degeneracy, and so little time to expose them all. he decided to expose to the World Wide Web the venality of the life and political time of our great wonderful President.
With his eyes glued to the screen of his computer, He typed in a massive number of keystrokes, as his fingers glided gracefully over the keyboard like a Prima ballerina. He was so involved with his work that he did not pay attention to his surroundings. The creaking noise of the floorboards got his attention. He turned his face, only to look down the barrel of a gun. He was paralyzed, unable to move. His eyes slowly looked up to see the bearded face of a giant of a man that held the gun.